The Ingeniously Entitled ‘Table Numbers’

Well, what would you call a post that is dedicated to that oh-so exciting wedding detail, the humble table number?

Now I’m not ashamed to say that I do actually find this smallest of décor decisions pretty exciting. I mean, come on. We’re talking numbers… for the tables! Yeah yeah ok, table numbers are pretty dull and let’s face it, deeply unimportant when it comes to the epicness that is your Wedding Day, but if you (like me) are a ‘details’ person, then choosing how to differentiate your tables can be really rather fun.

Names or Numbers?

So I guess the first decision that has to be made is whether to name or number your beautiful tables?  I do enjoy a humorous and creative set of names, but for Paul and I there was nothing obvious to choose from.  Neither of us are particularly well-travelled so although it would have been quite funny to have our tables named after the glamorous towns of Colchester and Hull, I’m not sure if our guests would find our travel history less funny and more pitiful.  I also toyed with the idea of nicknames (we’ve racked up quite a few in the last seven years) but sometimes these sort of things are best kept private.  I once revealed to friends that Paul liked to call me the rather bizarre name of Bubba Squat Lobster, and now it’s rather unfortunately stuck. With a very unflattering mime impression to boot.

So we shall be sticking to numbers.  Numbers are classic, simple and much more aesthetically-pleasing.  Numbers can be big or small, subtle or bold, glittery or floral; the possibilities are literally endless.

But this is an inspiration post after all, so I’ve rounded up a few of my favourite ways to make the humble table number sexier than you ever knew it could be. Here goes…

Show me the pretty!

One of the cheapest ways to display your table numbers is to use the vessels that are already a part of your centrepieces. So stencilling the  numbers on to glass jars, printing out labels for your wine bottles or simply writing the number on to your jugs and pots using a suitable pen- as these images show. (The 2BSquared link has some handy hints as well!)

Image via 2BSQUARED

Image via 2BSQUARED

Freestanding numbers are also a really stylish way to number your tables.  You can buy paper maché numbers from most craft stores now and decorate them as you wish, like these numbers covered in glitter…

…or comic book paper!

For more rustic settings wooden blocks work well (you can make your own or buy from Etsy)…

Image via Cavallo Point

Image via Cavallo Point

…or how about using old metal door numbers? Stylish and simple.

Image via One Wed

Image via One Wed

Picture frames provide a whole host of table number possibilities, as these images show:

Image via Wedding Bee

Image via Wedding Bee

And I love how this couple used fun photographs of themselves to add personality to their table displays:

Finally, think outside the box and get crafty.  Displays like these would certainly take a considerable amount of time and effort, but they get top marks for creativity!

The most BANG for my buck

‘So what are your table numbers like?’, I hear you cry.  (I don’t really, but for the benefit of this post I’ll pretend I do.) Well, as the day draws nearer I am finding myself becoming more conscious of my ever-diminishing budget, so I wanted to keep this detail as cheap as possible whilst still having a creative impact.  For a while I envisaged vintage metal door numbers salvaged from scrap yards and boot fairs and dipped in glitter… but in reality that was going to take way too much dollar, effort and eBay was proving too hit and miss.

In the end inspiration struck on a trip to Hobbycraft immediately after Christmas.  The papier maché aisle beckoned and I found myself snapping up 11 mini hanging picture frames and a can of chalkboard spray for the princely sum of £12.49.

The frames as I bought them- Image via Giggle Squiggle

The frames as I bought them- Image via Giggle Squiggle

Last Friday I was in a particularly productive post-Christmas mood so I braved the cold and gave them several coats of chalkboard paint before using a chalk paint pen to draw in the numbers.

I wanted it to look a bit like the writing you’d see on a pub chalkboard so I found a suitable font on t’internet and practised first of all with a calligraphy pen and sketch pad before having a go with the real thing.

The nib on the chalk pen was a lot wider than my calligraphy pen so the end result wasn’t quite as clean and defined as I would have liked… but I’m still pretty chuffed with the finished product.

What do you think?

My pub-style rustic table numbers.

My pub-style rustic table numbers.

The beer bottles are from a local restaurant which we have frequented far too often in the last couple of months (that’s only half of my stash!) and will contain flowers on the day, along with the glitter jars from this post– resulting in (what I hope will be) an eclectic mix of rustic-glam centre pieces and vibrantly-coloured blooms.

You like? (Please say yes.)

I’d love to know how you’re numbering/naming (or indeed how you numbered/named) your tables, so do share!

Sama xxx

12 thoughts on “The Ingeniously Entitled ‘Table Numbers’

  1. Oh yes I like. Also the beer bottles idea is great. At some point we were going to road trip down to France to get a full crate of glass-bottled Oranginas, to use as vases. But in the end we found a simpler, cheaper option at Ikea.
    I really want to experiment with chalkboard paint somewhere.
    BTW I was born in Colchester, so yo had me smiling right there.

    • Oh and we specifically did not want anything to do with table numbers or seating plans. We wanted people to be free and change places, so we had a cocktail-like reception with a high tea buffet in different stations (one of which was an ice cream cart) and had some tables but scattered here and thereso that people would change places and mingle to their wish . But I love the idea of 1. favorite book characters / famous couples 2. places meaningful to the couple, vacation spots, yes, but not only, other spots can be where they met, name of the bar where they first kissed, etc.

  2. I think they’re fab! I too did a budget update yesterday and it has diminished all too quickly!! Have splashed out on some luxuries though so can’t really complain :o,
    Did you see that your Mui Mui shoes have 50% off on Net a Porter at the mo?! I saw them and thought of you!

  3. I found choosing table numbers weirdly difficult as we didn’t really have a details wedding so just needed a simple way to have the number on each table. I also needed something that could be thrown away afterwards as didn’t want a load of stuff to get back home so in the end just printed out tent style cards with the numbers on. If anyone does this I’d recommend getting a folding guide from Hobbycraft or similar to help you score the folds neatly as it makes it look less primary school (this actually goes for any bits of paper/card you need folding)

  4. I’m finding the numbers/names thing a bit difficult too….thinking of having my horses/dog/cat names, but thought it sounded a bit…..mmmm…twee? OH wants us to call the tables actual names -Keith, Ian, Lynne etc which makes me titter a bit…..but I’m not totally convinced people will ‘get it!’

    Whatever we decide, I going to put them in little frames, either cut out of my inspiration wallpaper or with the wallpaper behind the name/number….!
    (Well thats the plan….)

    Love yours, Sama!

  5. Amanda- I LOVE orangina bottles! But definitely a long way to travel for them, haha. And I love the idea of free seating but with two sets of divorced families I think it’s better if people know where they’re supposed to be!

    And Jane- I think the dodgy names are brilliant! Kind of wish I’d thought of that…

    Loving the comments ladies! Thanks for taking the time xx

  6. Pingback: A Week in Weddings #24 | little love notes

  7. I love them! They will look fab with the flowers too.

    We have done table numbers with a twist. Another idea stolen from Pinterest. We have picked 5 years, starting with the year we were born and then others at different points of our lives, put pictures of us from the years we chose and then put in picture frames. It involved scanning a LOT of slides but we thought it was worth the effort x

  8. Pingback: Our Wedding Part 2: I Dos and Festoons | The Utter Blog

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